How to cancel the order / Get a full refund?

New order cancellation

New orders can be cancelled at any time within 7 days, because we are still clearing customs in China in the first 7 days. You can send an email to with your order number.

Once the customs clearance is completed, the package delivery is not under our control, and we cannot cancel the order.

60 days refund policy

Some toys are too real. it is impossible to use normal logistics companies to transport them, Because the laws of different countries are different, so the general delivery time will be relatively long. From the day you buy them, if you have not received your package for more than 60 days. and you no longer want to wait, please contact us for a refund. Please count the days according to the calendar, don't estimate days, otherwise you won't be able to get our help.

Please don't open the dispute at will

If you encounter problems, please contact us first. If you don't contact us and open the dispute, we will treat you as a fraudulent user and report your information to the bank, resulting in your credit score reduction.